How to Turn Old Smartphones into AI-Powered Bee Counters


In recent years, the decline of bee populations has become a major concern for environmentalists and scientists worldwide. Bees play a crucial role in pollinating plants, which in turn affects food production and biodiversity. To address this issue, innovative solutions are being sought to monitor bee populations effectively. One such solution is the use of AI-powered bee counters, which can be created using old smartphones. In this article, we will guide you through the process of turning your old smartphones into AI-powered bee counters.

How to Turn Old Smartphones into AI-Powered Bee Counters

Materials Needed:

1. Old smartphones (with cameras)

2. A computer with internet access

3. BeeCounter app (available for free on Google Play Store)

4. A stable internet connection

5. A tripod or a stable surface to place the smartphone

Step 1: Install the BeeCounter app

Download and install the BeeCounter app on your old smartphone. This app is specifically designed to count bees using AI technology. Ensure that your smartphone has enough battery life to last throughout the monitoring period.

Step 2: Set up the smartphone

Place your smartphone on a tripod or a stable surface, ensuring that it is securely positioned. The camera should be facing the area where you want to monitor the bees. Adjust the smartphone’s camera settings to optimize the image quality, such as increasing the brightness and contrast.

Step 3: Configure the app

Open the BeeCounter app and follow the on-screen instructions to configure the app. You will need to set up the camera settings, such as the resolution and frame rate, to ensure the best possible image quality for the AI algorithm.

Step 4: Calibrate the app

Before you start counting bees, it is essential to calibrate the app. This process involves taking a series of photos with known numbers of bees in the frame. The app will use these photos to train its AI algorithm and improve its accuracy in counting bees.

Step 5: Start monitoring

Once the app is calibrated, you can start monitoring the bee population. The app will automatically count the bees in the frame and provide real-time data. You can save the data for future analysis or share it with researchers and environmentalists.

Step 6: Maintain and update the app

Regularly update the BeeCounter app to ensure that the AI algorithm remains accurate and up-to-date. Additionally, clean the camera lens and maintain the smartphone to ensure optimal performance.


By turning your old smartphones into AI-powered bee counters, you can contribute to the conservation efforts of bee populations. This innovative solution not only helps in monitoring bee populations but also promotes the use of technology for environmental protection. With the increasing awareness of the importance of bees, such projects can make a significant impact on our planet’s ecosystems.